• Free Worldwide Shipping
  • 1-Year Warranty
  • Made In USA
  • 1-Year Warranty & Free Shipping

100% Money-Back Guarantee

Man reviewing snoring device

“My snoring is effectively gone."

- Andy Bass, NY


  • Stop unhealthy snoring and wake up feeling well-rested.
  • End snoring's harmful impact on your health and relationships.
  • Try it for 60 days and get quiet, snore-free sleep.

Stop snoring's harmful impact on your health and get restful sleep with the personalized anti-snoring mouthpiece.

Man reviewing snoring device

“My snoring is effectively gone."

- Andy Bass, NY

Transform Your Sleep

1. Order Your Size

Choose from a men's or a women's size. You'll get free same-day shipping when ordered by 1 PM eastern time for fast delivery.

2. Mold It To Your Teeth

VitalSleep is customizable, ensuring maximum comfort and effectiveness like a dentist-fitted oral appliance, without the expensive cost.

3. Advance Your Lower Jaw

Personalized adjustments based on your snoring intensity to open the airway for improved breathing and quiet sleep.

4. Wear VitalSleep To Bed

Breathe better and get restful sleep. Start waking up without the tired, groggy feeling that many snorers suffer from.

Breathe Better, Sleep Better

Personalized Comfort

Improves Sleep Quality

Durable and Long Lasting

Adjustable and Customizable

Easy To Use And Comfortable To Wear

Proudly Made In The USA

1 year warranty
made in usa
free shipping

Easy To Fit To Your Teeth

Before Molding VitalSleep

After Molding VitalSleep

VitalSleep Targets The Cause Of Snoring

Actual Customer's Snoring Reduction Level

snorelab app without vitalsleep

Without VitalSleep

High Snoring Level

snorelab app with vitalsleep being used

With VitalSleep

Very Low Snoring Level

Restore Harmony in the Bedroom

Peaceful slumber ensures both you and your partner wake refreshed and rejuvenated.

Adjustable with a Personalized Fit

It molds to your teeth and is adjustable based on your snoring level.

Comfortable and Effective

Easy to fit and effective for quiet sleep.

Not All Mouths Are The Same Size

VitalSleep is not a one-size-fits-all solution; it's designed to fit you perfectly, ensuring maximum comfort and effectiveness.

1 Year of Free Replacements

365-night unconditional product warranty and 100% satisfaction guarantee.